Jammu and Kashmir is experiencing extreme cold conditions. The minimum temperature is -32.01°C, while the maximum temperature is -15.18°C, averaging -19.25°C. The relative humidity is at 35%, and wind speeds reach 35 km/h, adding to the chilly environment. Weather AdvisoryTemperatures are expected to remain cold, with a predicted range of -19.33°C (minimum) and -14.03°C (maximum).
Jammu and Kashmir is experiencing extreme cold conditions. The minimum temperature is -32.01°C, while the maximum temperature is -15.18°C, averaging -19.25°C. The relative humidity is at 35%, and wind speeds reach 35 km/h, adding to the chilly environment.
Weather Advisory
Temperatures are expected to remain cold, with a predicted range of -19.33°C (minimum) and -14.03°C (maximum). Humidity levels are anticipated to rise, making it feel colder and more damp.
Preparation Tips
Residents and visitors are advised to wear thermal clothing and limit exposure to the cold. Staying indoors during peak freezing hours and maintaining proper heating arrangements is crucial.
Stay Safe and Warm
The weather conditions demand precautions to ensure comfort and safety. Keep yourself updated with regular weather changes and plan accordingly.
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